Hydra Microgrant 2022: Augmented Reality, Hydra-Synth & p5.js Poster Tutorial

Hydra Microgrant 2022: Augmented Reality, Hydra-Synth & p5.js Poster Tutorial


20 min read

I was very fortunate to be one of the recipients of the first Hydra microgrant. I proposed this tutorial which I hope is useful. Thanks!

We're going to combine the Hydra live code visuals javascript library with the Mind-AR-js library and p5.js. This tutorial is beginner-friendly but if you're very advanced with any of the tools we're using then you might find this helpful as one way you could apply your skills to make something for AR.

We'll be making this augmented reality poster. It uses MindAR to track an image target which the augmented reality poster appears on top of and follows.

Disclaimer: I'm not a graphic designer but I think this tutorial is a good demo of one way you can use these tools for your art, graphics, games projects etc...

What you'll need:

  1. Target image to track with the AR poster. The documentation for the Mind-AR library explains this process. You can print out the tracking image or display it on another device.

  2. A separate device to display the augmented reality poster. This device needs a camera. I'll use a mobile phone but you can use a mobile phone or tablet. You can also use another laptop or computer with a webcam but it might be awkward to position. You could also print out the tracking image, etc...

  3. Code editor, I'll use glitch in this tutorial.

MindAR Background:

MindAR is an open-source web augmented reality library. It supports Image Tracking and Face Tracking. It was originally written with A-FRAME integration in mind and as of version 1.1.0 it supports direct integration with three.js.

Interestingly, MindAR also uses TensorFlow.js for a WebGL backend and not for training and deploying machine learning models which is what the TensorFlow library was mostly written for.

Augmented Reality Overview:

Because MindAR projects can run in plain static HTML files, integrating Hydra and p5.js is straightforward.

The Image Tracking Quick Start section in the MindAR documentation is the template we'll use in this tutorial but with the addition of hydra and p5.js.

  • We will build an AR webpage that starts your device's camera.

  • The camera will detect an image target to track which we specify in code. This tutorial will use the default image from the MindAR docs.

  • The webpage will show the augmented reality object on top of the image and track it.

Tracking Target Images:

You should read through the guide written by the creator of the MindAR library if you want to use MindAR to track a different image to the default image above which we'll be using from the official documentation.

How to Choose a Good Target Image for Tracking in AR - Part 1/4 - HiuKim Yuen

Then you should follow the 3 steps in the MindAR docs to compile this image into a targets.mind file which we reference in the HTML.

Compile Target Images - MindAR - Documentation

Directory structure:

This is how the files are structured for this project.

├─ sketch.js
├─ index.html
├─ README.md

index.html Breakdown:

in the head tag of the index.html file, load the scripts for the libraries we'll need to make AR posters with Hydra and p5.js.

<!-- hydra-mindAR-poster/index.html -->

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    <!-- load AFRAME + MindAR + p5.js + hydra-synth + your sketch -->
    <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.3.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mind-ar@1.2.0/dist/mindar-image-aframe.prod.js"></script>
    <!-- oficial p5 -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.7.0/p5.min.js"></script>
    <!-- unoficial p5 -->
    <!-- <script src="https://cdn.statically.io/gh/museumhotel/hydra_mg_tutorial/main/libs/p5.min.js"></script> -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/hydra-synth"></script>
    <script src="sketch.js"></script>

<!-- ... -->

A NOTE on the p5.js version ⚠️

This tutorial is a bit hacky in how it uses the p5.js library. To follow this tutorial without issues use the p5.js library in the index.html head tag.

We're using a modified p5.js v1.5.0 October 18, 2022. If you look at the file, I've left a comment to show where the p5 library's code has been modified.

An earlier version of this tutorial used an unofficial modification of the p5 source code. As of p5.js version v1.7.0, this modification has been merged as an update to p5.js and is officially supported.

The update allows you to render a createGraphics() call onto an existing HTML <canvas> element. We'll cover this when writing the javascript code.

If you'd like an alternative example of p5.js integration with hydra-synth and a different AR library- please refer to this example using the A-Frame P5 AR library created by Craig Kapp, it tracks a QR code instead of tracking an image.

Register AFRAME Component

In the same html head element tag, include this javascript. Before you can use the AR functionality of MindAR-enabled through a-frame.js you need to register an AFRAME component and declare dependencies.

Then call the tick() method. The tick method is useful if your poster will be animated which this one is.


 <script type="text/javascript">
      AFRAME.registerComponent("canvas-updater", {
        dependencies: ["geometry", "material"],

        tick: function () {
          let material,
            el = this.el;

          material = el.getObject3D("mesh").material;
          if (!material.map) {
          material.map.needsUpdate = true;

HTML Canvas Elements

In the body, declare a separate canvas for the p5 sketch and a separate canvas to render the hydra visuals. We'll set the CSS visibility property to hidden on the hydra canvas. If you don't hide the id="hydra_canvas" it will render on the top left on top of the p5 sketch, may be useful for debugging but I've hidden it in the code below.

It's important to set up a canvas for hydra here ahead of time. It serves as a canvas tag with an id="hydra_canvas" that can be grabbed by p5 to extract the hydra texture.

    <!-- canvas containing the p5.js poster graphics -->
    <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

    <!-- hydra visualization canvas -->
    <canvas id="hydra_canvas" style="visibility: hidden"></canvas>

MindAR and AFRAME tracking

Finally add the elements that will render the AR scene. The MindAR library comes with an extension of AFRAME that allows you to construct a 3D scene easily.

You should read the MindAR documentation in the section for building the html page but I've included the most relevant explanations here for the elements of the AR poster.

  1. Within <a-scene> you can see a property mindar-image="imageTargetSrc: https://cdn.glitch.global/ea61c5ab-26cf-45ec-9524-2f17ab8c295f/mind_test_target.mind?v=1688944051226; filterMinCF:0.0005; filterBeta: 0.1;". The mindar-image="imageTargetSrc:" property tells the AR engine the location of the compiled .mind file. The Tracking Target Images section above produces the .mind file. It contains image information to recognise when the tracking image is detected by the device's camera feed. The AR poster will appear on top of this.

  2. There is an <a-entity> element with a mindar-image-target="targetIndex: 0" property. This tells the engine to detect and track a particular image target. The targetIndex is always 0, if your targets.mind contains only a single image. MindAR can compile and track multiple image targets but this is beyond this tutorial.

  3. The <a-plane> element is the object we want to show on top of the target image. This tutorial is for a poster so we'll use a 3D plane but AFRAME has other geometric primitives as well.

  4. The material="src:#canvas" property and the canvas-updater reference within the <a-plane> link the plane geometry to the AFRAME component we registered earlier. The tick method we called in the last <script> tag will update every render frame of what you define in the material="" property as an AFRAME canvas texture. The AR poster's graphics are defined in our p5.js sketch which will render onto the html <canvas> element with the id="canvas".

    <!-- MindAR within AFRAME a-scene element-->
      mindar-image="imageTargetSrc: https://cdn.glitch.global/ea61c5ab-26cf-45ec-9524-2f17ab8c295f/mind_test_target.mind?v=1688944051226; filterMinCF:0.0005; filterBeta: 0.1;"
      vr-mode-ui="enabled: false"
      device-orientation-permission-ui="enabled: false"
      <a-camera position="0 0 0" look-controls="enabled: false"></a-camera>
      <a-entity id="example-target" mindar-image-target="targetIndex: 0">
          position="0 0 0"
          scale="1.05 1.05 1.05 "
          rotation="0 0 0"

Final index.html

If you're following this tutorial your index.html file should look like this:


    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    <!-- load AFRAME + MindAR + p5.js + hydra-synth + your sketch -->
    <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.3.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mind-ar@1.2.0/dist/mindar-image-aframe.prod.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.7.0/p5.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/hydra-synth"></script>
    <script src="sketch.js"></script>

    <!-- Register "canvas-updater" AFRAME component and call the tick method -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
      AFRAME.registerComponent("canvas-updater", {
        dependencies: ["geometry", "material"],

        tick: function () {
          let material,
            el = this.el;

          material = el.getObject3D("mesh").material;
          if (!material.map) {
          material.map.needsUpdate = true;
    <!-- canvas containing the p5.js poster graphics -->
    <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

    <!-- hydra visualisation canvas hidden -->
    <canvas id="hydra_canvas" style="visibility: hidden"></canvas>

    <!-- MindAR within AFRAME a-scene element-->
      mindar-image="imageTargetSrc: https://cdn.glitch.global/ea61c5ab-26cf-45ec-9524-2f17ab8c295f/mind_test_target.mind?v=1688944051226; filterMinCF:0.0005; filterBeta: 0.1;"
      vr-mode-ui="enabled: false"
      device-orientation-permission-ui="enabled: false"
      <a-camera position="0 0 0" look-controls="enabled: false"></a-camera>
      <a-entity id="example-target" mindar-image-target="targetIndex: 0">
          position="0 0 0"
          scale="1.05 1.05 1.05"
          rotation="0 0 0"

Helpful Testing/Debugging Tip ⚠️

To test out or debug the p5.js code without enabling any of the AR functionality, you can comment out everything in between the <a-scene>...</a-scene> tags. If you're using the online glitch editor, highlight the code and hit ctrl/cmd + / to comment it out.

p5 code in the sketch.js file

This tutorial won't focus too much on the p5.js graphics. To make it clear which code is for p5.js and which code is for the Hydra graphics I've written the p5 code in instance mode rather than global mode.

p5 Sketch Global Variables Declaration

Declare global variables before the p5 preload and setup functions. Here we declare a string template literal for the poster's text and variables for the Hydra graphics, the custom shape we'll apply the hydra graphics onto and time variables.


//new p5 instance mode instance
let p5Sketch = new p5((p) => {
  //poster variables
  let posterLayer,
    posterTxt = {
      string: `Hydra Microgrant 2022 AR Poster

      I proposed a tutorial to create an augmented reality poster that uses the hydra-synth live coding video synth engine within javascript projects. 
      This poster is the result of the tutorial, hopefully it's helpful and shows some of what is possible when you need an augmented reality poster.

      The other javascript dependencies in this project are p5.js and MindAR.

      It is based on a project by artist and educator Ted Davis.
      Github repo: 
      Instagram demo: 

      This is the original format. 
      Print: 895 × 1280 mm, F4 (Weltformat)
      Screen: 895 × 1280px

      I've previously implemented AR into p5.js with hydra-synth using the A-Frame P5 AR library by Craig Kapp.
      Github repo: 
      A-Frame P5 AR Library: 

      Date: ${p.day()}/${p.month()}/${p.year()}
      Time: ${p.hour()}:${p.minute()}:${p.second()}

      To create a QR code to track your AR graphics you could use this one: 


  //variables for hydra sketch
  let h1;
  let hydraCG;
  let hydraImg;
  let hydraCanvas;

  //custom shape variables
  let shapeMask;
  let shapeVerts = [];
  const numPoints = 20;
  let centerPoint;

  //global time variables
  let seconds;
  let refreshRate = 25;
  let showBG = false;


Preload Hydra in p5

Because we are using p5.js within an anonymous instance, you'll see that (p) is how we access the p5.js methods. To use the preload() function so we can initialise hydra we place it inside p.preload = () => {}.

You can find other ways to initialise hydra in the hydra-synth documentation but for this tutorial we will also access hydra-synth in non-global mode.


  p.preload = () => {
    //instantiate hydra first
    h1 = new Hydra({
      canvas: document.getElementById("hydra_canvas"),
      detectAudio: false,
      makeGlobal: false,

p5 Bezier Curve Shape Mask

The hydra-synth graphics on the AR poster will only appear on this moving custom shape written in p5. You can use other shapes or render your Hydra graphics on the entire canvas but this tutorial will show you how to isolate the Hydra graphics to a shape.

As mentioned previously this tutorial won't cover how to make the shape but it's just an experiment with the p5 bezierVertex() method. Here it is in a codepen p5 sketch just so you can see the shape and its movement in isolation. To learn more about curves and procedural shapes in p5 look here and here.

p5 Setup

Create the p5 canvas and set the dimensions. Then assign the p5 createGraphics() buffers which will render onto the AR poster and display the hydra-synth graphics onto our shape.

All of the calls to createGraphics() in the p.setup = () => {} are set to the same size as the canvas of the sketch to maintain consistency when using co-ordinates and with positioning graphics across the different createGraphics() instances throughout the sketch.


p.setup = () => {
    p.createCanvas(895, 1280);
    //p.createCanvas(p.min(p.windowWidth), p.min(p.windowHeight));

    //To render hydra graphics onto then access within p5 as an image later.
    hydraCG = p.createGraphics(p.width, p.height); 

    //To define the custom shape we'll isolate the hydra graphics to appear restricted within.
    shapeMask = p.createGraphics(p.width, p.height); 

    //To render all the graphics onto the AR poster.
    posterLayer = p.createGraphics(

    //Split poster text by paragraph.
    txts = posterTxt.string.split("\n\n");

    //Change from the p5 defaults.


Notice how the last argument in the posterLayer = p.createGraphics(...) instance is a call to document.getElementById("canvas"). This isolates the code generated by this createGraphics to only render onto the element we defined with the id="canvas" in the index.html when we render the posterLayer using the p5 image() function later.

Implement Custom Shape

Below is a code snippet showing the functions for the shape we will render hydra-synth onto, it's the same shape made of bezier curves from the codepen demo above but refactored for instance mode and the shapeMask. p5Graphics object.

In the sections after you can see one way you can isolate the hydra-syth graphics onto this custom shape.


// Initialise the custom shape's points with number defined in the numPoints variable.
  function initialiseCustomShape() {
    for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {

  // Create a point with random co-ords then adjust.
  function createPoint(tx, ty) {
    return {
      x: tx || p.random(shapeMask.width),
      y: ty || p.random(shapeMask.height),
      adjust(d) {
        if (d >= shapeMask.width) {
      adjustX() {
        this.x =
          p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01)) * p.random(shapeMask.width * 1.5);
      adjustY() {
        this.y =
          p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01)) * p.random(shapeMask.height * 1.5);

  // Calculate the center point of the custom shape.
  function calculateCenter() {
    let count = 0;
    let totalX = 0;
    let totalY = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < shapeVerts.length; i++) {
      let pt = shapeVerts[i];

      let shapeScale = 0;
      let ang = p.noise(pt.x * shapeScale, pt.y * shapeScale, 0.75) * 0.02;
      let off =
        p.noise(pt.x * shapeScale, pt.y * shapeScale, 0.75) * p.random(25, 50); //speed of movement of the shape

      // Update the totalX and totalY values based on the noise-generated movement.
      totalX += pt.x +=
        p.cos(ang / 2) *
        off *
        p.noise(0.1) *
        p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount % 0.0001)) *
      totalY += pt.y +=
        p.sin(ang / 2) *
        off *
        p.noise(0.1) *
        p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount % 0.0001)) *
    // Return the average position of the shape's vertices.
    return shapeMask.createVector(totalX / count, totalY / count);

  // Draw the custom shape by connecting vertices with bezier curves.
  function drawCustomShape(points, numVertices) {
    for (let i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
      if (i === 0) {
        shapeMask.vertex(points[(i.x, i.y)]);
      } else {
        bezierVertexP(points[i], points[i], points[i + 1]);
        i += 2; // Skip two points for the bezierVertex

  // Define a custom function for the bezierVertex.
  function bezierVertexP(a, b, c) {
    shapeMask.bezierVertex(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y);

  function drawGlasses(centerPoint) {

    // Draw glasses frames
    shapeMask.rect(centerPoint.x + 50, centerPoint.y, 50, 20);
    shapeMask.rect(centerPoint.x - 50, centerPoint.y, 50, 20);

    // Draw glasses arms
    shapeMask.rect(centerPoint.x + 50, centerPoint.y, 2.5);
    shapeMask.rect(centerPoint.x - 50, centerPoint.y, 2.5);

    // Draw glasses bridge
      centerPoint.x - 25,
      centerPoint.y + 10,
      centerPoint.x + 50,
      centerPoint.y + 10

  // Adjust the positions of custom shape points based on distance from a random point.
  function adjustCustomShapePoints() {
    for (let i = 0; i < shapeVerts.length; i++) {
      let pt = shapeVerts[i];
      let d = p.dist(pt.x, pt.y, p.random(p.width), p.random(p.height));
      pt.adjust(d); // Adjust the point's position

p5 Draw

In the p5 draw loop is where this tutorial will call a function to display the background, position the shape to display hydra, render hydra, mask hydra to appear only on the shape in AR and animate the text. The last thing we'll do in the draw function is assign the posterLayer as the dominant graphics on the canvas in AR.


p.draw = () => {
    centerPoint = calculateCenter();
    seconds = p.frameCount / refreshRate;


    //render posterLayer onto the default p.createCanvas() from p.setup
      p.get(0, 0, p.width, p.height),

// The background for the poster using p5
  function runPosterBg() {
    // Add a gradient background
    for (let i = 0; i <= posterLayer.height; i++) {
      let interpolate = p.map(
        p.height / (p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.025) * 2),
      let rVal = p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01) * 0);
      let gVal = 0;
      // Interpolate the colour between 
      let lerpC = p.lerpColor(
        p.color(p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.1) * 255), 255),
        p.color(rVal, gVal, p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01) * 255)),

        -posterLayer.width / (p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01) * 2),
        posterLayer.width * 1.5,
        i / 2
        -posterLayer.width / (p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01) * 2),
        posterLayer.width * 1.5,
        -i / 2

  function animateText() {
    for (let i = 0; i < txts.length; i++) {
      let y =
        p.map(i, 0, txts.length, 0, p.height) +
        p.sin(i * 50 + p.frameCount * 0.02) * p.random(0, p.height);

      let x =
        p.random(0, p.width/2) -
        ((p.frameCount * p.random(0.5, 5) + p.random(p.width)) % p.width) /

      posterLayer.stroke(p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.1)) * 128);
      posterLayer.textSize(p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01) * 75)); //oscillate txt size w/ sin function
      posterLayer.text(txts[i], x, x);

Keep in mind that the background being generated by the runPosterBg() won't show if you are debugging or testing the sketch and you have turned off the camera and AR in the index.html by commenting out the code contained in the <a-scene> element. This is the background running in isolation in p5, ideally it should be written in a shader for what it is but in this tutorial we'll just demo it as a background.

Isolate hydra-synth to shapeMask

This section is important. The order you call this function in the p5.draw() loop will determine what hydra-synth graphics you'll see in the AR poster.


function selectHydraGraphicsMaskShape() {

    //the main shape will be filled with hydra
    drawCustomShape(shapeVerts, 10);

    //second shape outline only no fill
      p.abs(p.sin(p.frameCount * 0.01)) * p.random(90, 100)
    //Call the custom shape function again using remaining elements from shapeVerts array
    drawCustomShape(shapeVerts.slice(10), shapeVerts.length - 10);  

    //Additional custom shape functions to animate the shape

    //Store what is being rendered on the canvas with id="hydra_canvas" in hydraImg variable
    hydraImg = hydraCG.select("#hydra_canvas");

    //Draw hydraImg onto the hydraCG instance
    hydraCG.image(hydraImg, 0, 0, shapeMask.width, shapeMask.height);

    //Reassign the hydraImg variable into a p5 image object rendering from hydraCG
    hydraImg = p.createImage(hydraCG.width, hydraCG.height);

    //Copy the contents of hydraCG to hydraImg 
    hydraImg.copy(hydraCG, 0, 0, p.width, p.height, 0, 0, p.width, p.height);

    //Apply a mask of hydra to only render on the bezier custom shape defined in shapeMask#

    //Display the masked hydraImg on the main canvas
    p.image(hydraImg, 0, 0);


This list breaks down the comments in the code explaining how to mask live graphics from hydra-synth to a shape defined in a separate p5 graphics buffer.

In the selectHydraGraphicsMaskShape(){} function:

  1. The shapeMask, hydraCG (hydra graphics) and the main canvas are cleared to prepare for new content.

  2. The main shape of the poster is drawn using the custom vertices defined in the initializeCustomShape function. This shape is created with the first 10 vertices from the shapeVerts array like this drawCustomShape(shapeVerts, 10);.

  3. You can use the p5 push() and pop() methods to call a second instance of the shape. This tutorial created 20 values to store in the shapeVerts[] array as coordinates for a shape. The second time we call the drawCustomShape() function we use the remaining 10 elements from the shapeVerts[] array drawCustomShape(shapeVerts.slice(10), shapeVerts.length - 10);. This generates a second shape made of different vertex() points connected by bezierVertex() curves but this time draws and animates only the outline of the shape since we declared shapeMask.noFill(); within the push and pop statements.

  4. The function drawGlasses() is called to draw glasses positioned relative to the centerPoint of the custom shape. This shape will also render the same hydra-synth graphics.

  5. The function adjustCustomShapePoints is called to adjust the positions of custom shape points based on their distance from a random point, this animates the shape.

  6. The hydra-synth graphics running on the <canvas> with id="hydra_canvas" are assigned to the the hydraImg variable. hydraImg = hydraCG.select("#hydra_canvas");

  7. Specify that you want the contents of the shapeMask p5 graphics object to be drawn to hydraCG as an image() with hydraCG.image(hydraImg, 0, 0, shapeMask.width, shapeMask.height); .

  8. Use p5's createImage() method to reassign the hydraImg variable into a p5 image object of the graphics being drawn on the hydraCG graphics object. This now enables the use of methods reserved for p5.Image objects.

  9. Because hydraImg is now a p5.Image, you can use the p5 copy() method to copy the contents of hydraCG onto hydraImg. The destination dimensions should make use of the entire canvas. Resulting in this line hydraImg.copy(hydraCG, 0, 0, p.width, p.height, 0, 0, p.width, p.height);

  10. Use the p5 mask() method from the hydraImg graphics instance to isolate the hydra-synth graphics so that they only render on the shapes defined in shapeMask p5 graphics object. Remember that shapeMask is where we determined all the code for the custom bezier shape to render to but now we can isolate graphics from hydra-synth to just the shapes from shapeMask. hydraImg.mask(shapeMask);

  11. Finally, the masked hydraImg is displayed on the canvas using p.image(hydraImg, 0, 0);.

This process combines the hydra-synth graphics with the custom shape and displays the result. To visualise the result on the posterLayer we need to look back at the arguments being passed in the posterLayer.image() call from within the p5 draw loop.


p.draw = () => {
    centerPoint = calculateCenter();
    seconds = p.frameCount / refreshRate;


    //render posterLayer onto the default p.createCanvas() from p.setup
      p.get(0, 0, p.width, p.height),

Use the p5 get() method in the first argument but call it from the instance of the default canvas, e.g. p.get(0, 0, p.width, p.height), . Calling this from the posterLayer instance grabs the contents of all the shape masking and renders it to the AR poster layer.

//render posterLayer onto the default p.createCanvas() from p.setup
      p.get(0, 0, p.width, p.height),

Rendering Hydra-Synth Graphics in AR

This final section covers using hydra-synth with the MindAR library and p5.js. Every 10 seconds the poster will switch between two different hydra sketches depending on if the showBG boolean is true or false.

The p5 blendMode() also alternates between the default blend mode, BLEND and the DIFFERENCE blend mode. The change of blend modes in p5 can create interesting visual interactions with a library like Hydra so you should experiment.


function renderHydra() {
    //Alternate between hydra sketches based on time

    if (seconds % 10 == 0) {
      // Check if 10 seconds have passed

      showBG = !showBG;
    if (showBG) {
      posterLayer.blendMode(p.DIFFERENCE); // interesting interaction with the p5.js difference blend mode and hydra sketch

      //Define a custom shader written in GLSL to run in hydra
        name: "modulateSR",
        type: "combineCoord",
        inputs: [
            type: "float",
            name: "multiple",
            default: 1,
            type: "float",
            name: "offset",
            default: 1,
            type: "float",
            name: "rotateMultiple",
            default: 1,
            type: "float",
            name: "rotateOffset",
            default: 1,
        glsl: `   vec2 xy = _st - vec2(0.5);
   float angle = rotateOffset + _c0.z * rotateMultiple;
   xy = mat2(cos(angle),-sin(angle), sin(angle),cos(angle))*xy;
   xy*=(1.0/vec2(offset + multiple*_c0.r, offset + multiple*_c0.g));
   return xy;`,

      h1.osc(60, 0.01)
      //Call the custom shader function like you would any other hydra source
        .modulateSR(h1.noise(3).luma(0.5, 0.075), 1, 1, Math.PI / 2) //luma better than thresh no jagg edges
    if (!showBG) {
      posterLayer.blendMode(p.BLEND); //The default blend mode

      //Generate visual feedback in hydra-synth
        .modulateHue(h1.src(h1.o0).scale(1.1), 1)
            .solid(0, 0, 0.75)
            .diff(h1.osc(5, 0.5, 5))
            .modulatePixelate(h1.noise(5), 2)
            .luma(0.005, 0)
            .mask(h1.shape(4, 0.125, 0.01).modulate(h1.osc([99, 5])))

When the posterLayer.blendMode(p.DIFFERENCE); we use the hydra setFunction() method to define custom GLSL shader code and then we invoke it together with the native hydra graphics sources within the hydra sketch.

This tutorial uses the modulating Scale and Rotate example of setFunction from the hydra-book. It's interesting to explore fractals and other visual phenomena that hydra is good for easily generating and controlling.

I like this YouTube video where towards the end emptyflash demonstrates how they use Hydra's setFunction method:

The second Hydra sketch generates visual feedback using the example from the interactive Hydra functions documentation using a slightly modified version of the modulateHue() example.

This video series from Naoto Hieda is also a good introduction to feedback in Hydra:


Thanks for reading if you've followed the tutorial, hopefully, it's useful for implementing augmented reality interaction with posters, artworks, games etc...

Preview on Glitch here.

Clone the project from GitHub here.

Author demonstrates Hydra-Synth with augmented reality library and p5.js in a poster using webcam feed within Hydra on the actual poster

It's quite intensive on the device but in the image above I found it interesting to use the webcam feed from the computer into a Hydra sketch running from the MindAR library as well.


I give full credit to artist and educator Ted Davis for the original code of this tutorial and the IG demonstration which inspired me to first try combining Hydra using the A-Frame P5 AR library written by Craig Kapp. I want to thank the creator of the MindAR JavaScript library for the tool and the helpful documentation.

I also thank the judges who selected my proposal for the Hydra microgrant: Olivia Jack, Antonio Roberts and Monrhea Carter.

This tutorial was made possible from the support of open source projects so support open source if you can!